As very rarely does an enforcement work, it is usually more a theoretical rather than practical issue unfortunately, says Scott Bache, Hong Kong-based partner at Clifford Chance, the law firm. 非常遗憾的是,由于强制执行极少获得成功,这通常来说更多是一个理论、而非现实问题。高伟绅律师事务所(CliffordChance)驻香港合伙人斯科特贝奇(ScottBache)表示。
At present, the malfeasance in the activities of police's law enforcement has become a hot issue and at the same time one of the most important way to solve this problem is to set up and perfect the supervision system of law enforcement of the police. 现阶段,警察执法活动中存在的违法乱纪问题已成为一个社会焦点,而建立和完善警察执法监督机制是解决这一问题的重要途径之一。
The grassroots law enforcement teams are relatively young, but their educational qualifications are at relatively low level, with lower specialization degree. Professionals of drug and law are in urgent need, and complex types of personnel with multidisciplinary knowledge fall short. 基层执法队伍较年轻化,但学历层次相对偏低,人才专业化程度低,药学和法律等专业人才紧缺,具有多学科知识的复合型人才缺乏。
To establish international jurisdiction rules and mutual recognition and enforcement of foreign judgment mechanism at the international level has been the goal of Hague Conference on Private International Law. 在国际范围内建立国际统一的管辖权规则和国家间相互承认和执行的法院判决机制一直是海牙国际私法会议的奋斗目标。
In governing the government official aspect, the enforcement of economic punishment at the later stage of Tang Dynasty is a new law breakthrough. 在治吏方面,唐朝中后期经济处罚的实施,是唐代法律新的突破。